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 Sujet du message: Hello/Bonjour , a warning about a player on your server.
MessagePosté: 01 Décembre 2011, 20:13  
Inscription: 01 Décembre 2011, 20:00
Messages: 4
Battlefield2: Non
Pseudo BF2: IoAgHairy-cl
Pseudo BF3: mccartneyuk
Hors ligne

Hello Guys , my name is McCartneyUK and i am from a small UK clan called OTH (Over The Hill Gamers).

A player on your server called [SVK]WolfnightBA has recently been banned from our server for abusing our admins and other players. He is racist and posted Nazi sayings to our admin , which i will post below. Players like this dont deserve to be playing on decent servers and i hope you will agree with me on that point. Just a warning from our little clan that this guy is a lot of trouble.

Thanks again


Below is what he said to our admin after he kicked him for being abusive

Wolfnight "ou nigga got mad? :D just because you fail as admin doesnt mean everyone is moaning... your server will fail just like you, just see cia nigga :D and yeah i would love to skin your children alive sieg heil!"

"Yermucker OTH Admin"

fuck me what a massive wanker you are son. Im guessing about 13 years old if that. Now jog on. ... ic.php?176

 Sujet du message: Re: Hello/Bonjour , a warning about a player on your server.
MessagePosté: 01 Décembre 2011, 20:24  
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Inscription: 10 Juin 2011, 17:01
Messages: 588
Localisation: Perdu dans mon antre
Battlefield2: Oui
Pseudo BF2: DRAKdragondark
Pseudo BF3: Dragondark
Hors ligne

Ok i receive your message, i wait to see if is true (we cannot take this type of descision when the one first come say to do)

we take a particulary attention to this player

Thanks for this warning

good day

Dragondark de Lonlindil
 Sujet du message: Re: Hello/Bonjour , a warning about a player on your server.
MessagePosté: 01 Décembre 2011, 21:23  
Inscription: 01 Décembre 2011, 20:00
Messages: 4
Battlefield2: Non
Pseudo BF2: IoAgHairy-cl
Pseudo BF3: mccartneyuk
Hors ligne

Thank you Dragondark. It is just something to look out for.

 Sujet du message: Re: Hello/Bonjour , a warning about a player on your server.
MessagePosté: 01 Décembre 2011, 21:50  
Avatar de l’utilisateur

Inscription: 05 Juillet 2011, 13:34
Messages: 292
Localisation: Somewhere over the rainbow
Battlefield2: Oui
Pseudo BF2: black-mada
Pseudo BF3: R4v3nZ_BlackMada
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we are looking for an international community if you want post a topic to present your team you are welcome =)
fun and happyness

the black
 Sujet du message: Re: Hello/Bonjour , a warning about a player on your server.
MessagePosté: 01 Décembre 2011, 21:52  
Inscription: 01 Décembre 2011, 20:00
Messages: 4
Battlefield2: Non
Pseudo BF2: IoAgHairy-cl
Pseudo BF3: mccartneyuk
Hors ligne

Thank you Black , i may just take up your offer!! :)
 Sujet du message: Re: Hello/Bonjour , a warning about a player on your server.
MessagePosté: 01 Décembre 2011, 22:18  
Avatar de l’utilisateur

Inscription: 05 Juillet 2011, 13:34
Messages: 292
Localisation: Somewhere over the rainbow
Battlefield2: Oui
Pseudo BF2: black-mada
Pseudo BF3: R4v3nZ_BlackMada
Hors ligne

Nice and forgive us for our bad english but there is no language's limit with happyness and motivation =)
 Sujet du message: Re: Hello/Bonjour , a warning about a player on your server.
MessagePosté: 02 Décembre 2011, 01:03  
Inscription: 01 Décembre 2011, 20:00
Messages: 4
Battlefield2: Non
Pseudo BF2: IoAgHairy-cl
Pseudo BF3: mccartneyuk
Hors ligne

My French is very bad and your English is very good! 8-)

Keep up the good work guys!
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